Hi all,

On Tue, 9 Mar 2010 01:52:30 +0900, Norbert Preining <prein...@logic.at> wrote:

> On Mo, 08 Mär 2010, Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐) wrote:
>> I was just thinking how we could use the current Debian infrastructure
>> such as dh_installtex instead of directly modifying the dvipdfmx file.
> Of course we can create a new variant, update-dvipdfmx and add
> support for it in dh_isntalltex ...I mean, it is simply copying of
> code in the already present script, well, probably some more, but
> what the hack.
> But do we need that?

Some comments from my side.  
Basically it is safe to consider that fonts for pTeX are 
NOT fonts for standard (or normal) TeX so it is not right way
to treat them with standard TeX tools like updmap etc., IMHO.

There is a project called ptexlive in Japan which extends
many standards TeX tools (like updmap etc.) to support fonts 
for pTeX, which implys one can't use updmap for pTeX fonts.

In fact TFM for pTeX is not a standard TFM but modified version
of TFM (called JFM) and VF for pTeX is also in the same situation.

So there are dvipsk-ja and xdvik-ja for pTeX and they have their
own configuration files by themselves independent from standard
dvips and xdvi.

But dvipdfmx is very special in this point of view.  It is in a 
standard TeX and supports also pTeX (from the beginning?) but it 
needs a special configuration for pTeX.

On Sat, 6 Mar 2010 02:12:25 +0900, YOSHINO Yoshihito wrote:

> Note that the patch to restore DVIPDFMx.cnf proposed in the first post
> is still needed to look for cmap files.

If this is not fixed yet I think this could be fixed 
by ptex-jisfonts so we can file a bug to ptex-jisfonts.

Also please note that dvipdfmx can read a map file with
option "-f map_file", perhaps you all know this.

I hope this might help you.

BTW, I use upTeX (unicode version of pTeX) for quite long time
and have not used pTeX package recently so gradually lost interest 
on pTeX and related packages.

Best regards,                2010-3-10(Wed)

 Debian Developer - much more I18N of Debian
 Atsuhito Kohda <kohda AT debian.org>
 Department of Math., Univ. of Tokushima

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