Hello Steve,

Am 2008-03-16 23:59:52, schrieb Steve McIntyre:
>  1. Is it worth making full sets of CDs at all? Can we rely on people
>     having a net connection or being able to use DVDs if they want
>     *everything*?

CD's are maybe not usefull in this size...  Maybe only the first 8.

>  2. Is it worth producing all the CDs/DVDs/whatever for all the
>     architectures?

DVDs world be very helpful since not all peoples can build DVDs
there own.

>  3. For some arches, should we just provide the first couple of CDs
>     and a full set of DVDs? This is a bit of a compromise option - if
>     a given machine will not boot from DVD, but can boot from CD and
>     get the rest of its packages from a network share then all's good.

V.34 and then Net-Install?  Do you have already tried it?

>  4. ??? - what else would be a sane option?

I have seen, that in the last month the ammount of games has increased.
Why not put ALL the Games (last week I have seen a RFS for a Debian data
package of 750 MByte ...  UFFFFFFF!!!!)

> Suggestions/comments/complaints - please let us know what you'd
> prefer.

Maybe Debian can provide

    1)  50 MB Business card
    2)  210MB Net-Install CD (including the base packages)
    3)  the first 5-8 CDs as they are
    4)  the 4 standard DVDs where the games are together
        on the LAST DVD.

Personal Note: I find it annoying, that I have to download over 1 GByte
               (In Lenny they would be over 2 GByte) of Games if I want
               only an Office- and Devel-Workstation and some servers
               but I have the need for DVDs since I can not have
               everywhere an internet connection with 1 MBit or faster.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    24V Electronic Engineer
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
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