> This is stockholm syndromish - because Debian is held behind times by
> lack of decision making, we start finding good things in being behind.

Do you realize that fedora is the beta version for red hat? They use the 
community to get free testing for their commercial product.
Personally as a debian user I prefer having a system that works rather than 
being used as a guinea pig for a commercial product.

I don't see how forcing users to use immature software that doesn't yet work 
very well is a good thing for anyone (except if you are a commercial company 
and use your free product to get free beta testing).

I have tried systemd, and I like the approach it has, and in a few years I 
believe it has potential. But... using it to restart my computer i need to do 
an hard reset (and think of how happy would I be if my computer had been a 
server in a rack on the other side of the planet), and gave me several 
problems related to switching from X11 to vt and vice versa.

At this point I can't see what decision is there to be made, systemd is not 
ready yet to replace sysvinit, if and when it will work reliably we can have 
this conversation.

On a side note about Poettering, sometimes pulseaudio gets pulled in by some 
package that I install, and when this happens I stop hearing sounds from my 
computer, then I know I just need to remove it and everything will be fine 
again (this happened 2 months ago the last time), I am sure there is a fix for 
this but personally I find it much easier to just remove some piece of 
software that I didn't even need in the 1st place and is just causing 
malfunctioning after years of causing malfunctioning. So I really don't regard 
him as the best person there is to write core parts of my system. I'd trust 
him maybe with things like cowsay or nyancat that wouldn't cause too much 
havoc when they should fail.

Salvo Tomaselli


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