> You have the context wrong here. "considering systemd as a default init"
> is too vague.
Wikipedia says: A default, in computer science, refers to a setting or a value 
automatically assigned to a software application, computer program or device, 
outside of user intervention.

What's vague about that?

> Yes, there is integration work left. But that's really about the
> question "is Debian ready to switch all user machines to systemd right
> now using the current packages?", and I think nobody would answer "yes"
> to that
Good so that was exactly my point: let's have this thread when systemd is a 
production ready alternative.

> (before also updating systemd to a much newer upstream version,
> etc).
They release twice a week or so. That is another sign of a software you 
shouldn't rely on too much

> He was confusing what were likely integration issues with
> what would be more fundamental issues with systemd itself (that would
> make it less desirable to do the integration work and switch at all),
> and I tried to explain the difference.
I didn't say it has fundamental architectural flaws that can't be addressed, I 
said it should be care of the people who want it as default to take care of 
the flaws and make it a viable alternative before talking about it.

Salvo Tomaselli


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