Am 05.01.2016 um 01:17 schrieb Adam Borowski:
> On Mon, Jan 04, 2016 at 08:43:02PM +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Am 04.01.2016 um 19:12 schrieb Eric Valette:
>>>> Remember that / and /usr don't have to reside on the same partition with
>>>> the usrmerge proposal: they only have to be both available
>>>> post-initramfs.  The initramfs already takes care to mount /usr (for the
>>>> systemd case as initscripts needs updates for sysvinit as was said
>>>> elsewhere).  So no repartitioning should be required on upgrades.
>>> As explained elsewhere in this thread, using initramfs is still not
>>> mandatory in debian
>> an initramfs is not mandatory as long as you don't have /usr on a
>> separate partition.
>> No initramfs + split /usr is not supported and has been broken for a while.
> I guess you meant "with systemd".  

Nice try, but no. Those issues are not specific to systemd.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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