On Fri, 8 Jan 2016 18:51:20 +0100, Christian Seiler
<christ...@iwakd.de> wrote:
>(Warning: not thoroughly tested, code is a quick hack and awful, might
>do unexpected things. Also not documented. Quick howto: run make, copy
>systemd-keyscript-cryptsetup to /lib/cryptsetup/, copy keyscript-generator
>to /lib/systemd/system-generators, do systemctl daemon-reload and hope
>for the best. systemd-cryptsetup will still warn about 'unknown option',
>but it should work.)
>(Interactive scripts obviously don't work, same thing as with
>interactive init scripts, but if you need a password you can just use
>PASS=$(systemd-ask-password "Some Message").)

You're amazingly constructive. I wish I had your output. Thanks!

Will this handle a keyscript that needs to unlock another crypto LV
which is unlocked with a a password?

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