On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 16:04:36 +0000 Matthew Garrett wrote:

> That's, uh, entirely insane.

Maybe it's insane, but could please explain why?

> No. Autogenerated C is not the preferred form for modification, but
> nor is it a practical form for modification (in most cases - this is
> not always true). However, in almost all cases it *is* practical to
> modify a JPEG.

OK, let's consider another example.
HTML and plain text are practical form for modification.
Are they always source code?
Even when they are generated from DocBook XML (and upstream prefers to
modify XML)?

I don't think that a form that's practical for modification necessarily
qualifies as source code. It may be source code (if it's also the
preferred form for modification), or may not, depending on

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