From: Raul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If I sold a cdrom which played music, and the music it played was a few
> bars of my own and some hit single I picked up from a music store, I'd
> have to have a legal right to sell that hit single.

Well, this is different in that you are copying the hit single. Also, hit
singles have different rights from GPL programs.

> Now, if you can show my anything in copyright law, or in the GPL,
> which makes any kind of distinction about the mechanics of how control
> is passed from the part of the work as a whole which is represented in
> one file to a part of that work which is represented in another file
> then I'll be happy to talk about that issue.

That is just the problem. Copyright law does not say _anything_ about
passing of control. It deals with copying. So, if you are not copying
a work into another work in order to produce a derivative work, copyright
law is silent upon the issue.



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