On Sun, Oct 31, 1999 at 05:53:31AM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
> > And if the apache module in question calls /bin/bash specifically?
> > 
> > Or if /bin/bash calls apache?
> I'm having trouble imagining a work which involves apache and bash where
> bash is an inseperable aspect of the whole.  Bashisms are so.. trivial..
> and so unrelated to web serving.
> I guess it might be possible for you to create one, though -- and if
> you did you'd have to address the copyright issues before you could
> distribute it.  [Do you know anyone distributing apache and bash together
> along with such software?  If so, you might want to suggest that they
> not use bashisms...]

The GPL doesn't say there are legal issues involved with doing so.

Also if Corel's front-end calls apt, the fact that apt uses dpkg as a
backend is arguably apt's problem since it is intended for apt to also
support rpm at some point.

- Joseph Carter         GnuPG public key:   1024D/DCF9DAB3, 2048g/3F9C2A43
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California, n.:
    From Latin "calor", meaning "heat" (as in English "calorie" or
Spanish "caliente"); and "fornia'" for "sexual intercourse" or
"fornication." Hence: Tierra de California, "the land of hot sex."
        -- Ed Moran

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