On Sat, 5 May 2001, Sergio Brandano wrote:

> as if there where one such agreement, then any material
> posted in its lists would be a Debian copyrighted
> material, i.e. it would display a "(c) Debian" in it.

Huh?  You retain copyright to your postings that you contribute, just as
with any code you contribute.  It's NOT "(c) Debian".  Nobody is claiming
that you have lost any rights to republish as you like.  It's your work.

What we are saying is that by posting to a public list, you have given
certain distribution rights to the list owner, and perhaps members.  These
rights can't be revoked just because you change your mind about sharing
these messages with us.
Mark Rafn    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    <http://www.dagon.net/>

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