On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 08:58:10PM +0100, Sergio Brandano wrote:
> I am tired of all these messages!
> Stop posting!

You opened the can of worms.

> You have to understand that no person or institute
> owns your copyright if you do not transfer the
> ownership in writing via a legal document!

False.  You can do so prospectively, e.g., by signing an employment
agreement.  Also, ownership of copyright does not grant you absolute
control, despite your mistaken belief that it does.  Perhaps you should
attend law school and become a solicitor for the entertainment industry,

> By posting these recent messages, for example, I have
> just exerted my right to express my opinion, by posting
> to a restricted number of people, on channels that
> are not under the copyright of Debian. As such,
> this very mail, for example is still my mail, and
> Debian *can not* and *must not* archive it!

False.  By sending email to a public forum, you have implicitly granted
license for certain kinds of activities.

If you don't like this, stop sending email.

> Are we speaking the same language? It is like
> talking to friends for years, and suddenly discover
> that they have been recording you! Not only this,
> but they have been also duplicating and indexing
> via commercial institutes! Where is the privacy?
> What sort of community is this one?

Not yours, apparently.  Go someplace else.

> The reason why I am doing it also another one.
> I am tired of seeing pages of links to my past
> emails, every time I type my name on a main
> search site! The copyright issue is the only
> instrument I have to cut them out for good.
> I did not transfer to Debian the right to
> archive my mail, and I want this mail to be
> deleted for good. It is my right!

So sue Google, Yahoo, AltaVista, et al.  They are in a position to pay you
far more in damages.  Get back to us after you've won those battles.

> There is of course a more general problem too.
> By letting the main search sites to link all
> the emails of these lists, we are overloading
> the net!

Ah, I see.  You have about as solid a grasp on reality as Karl Hegbloom.

This explains a great deal.

> Regardless of whether you agree with me or not,
> I do not want Debian to archive my mail,
> whether it is past, present of future.

We will not remove your posts from archives.  The best thing for you to do
is to stop having communication with us altogether.

> If I wanted a permanent post, I would have
> written a book of memories.

The problem lies in your understanding.  Posting a message on the bulletin
board at your place of work is an act publication; you can't later protest
against widespread knowledge of it because you didn't know about the
newspaper photographer who passes by every day and photographs the board,
or that the daily photos are part of an ongoing column in that daily
newspaper which has a 7-year history.

G. Branden Robinson             |   A great work of art has never caused any
Debian GNU/Linux                |   social problems.  Social problems are
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |   caused by those trying to protect
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |   society from great works of art.

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