Nathanael Nerode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Just put a "This copyright license does not grant a trademark license"
> disclaimer after your choice of standard license, and I think we're set,
> right?

That's what I would have thought. Does anyone disagree?

(However, I would add something along the lines of "'Debian' and the
Debian swirl are trademarks or registered trademarks of ..." in front
of "This copyright licence does not ...".)

(With the image released under a free software licence Debian would
presumably have one less stick to bash someone over the head with if
they were to abuse the image: it would have to be just trademark
infringement rather than trademark and copyright infringement.
However, if this is the only disadvantage, I would have thought it is
outweighed by the advantage of Debian being able to package its own
trademark without becoming a public laughing stock by making a
hypocritical exception to its own DFSG.)

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