Josh Triplett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> A Free logo, like any other Free image or Free work in general, must be
> usable for any purpose.

It is, provided you modify it sufficiently. You could use it to make
your own trademark, for example.

On the other hand, if you take the source code to GCC and format it
into the shape of a Coca Cola trademark, then you can't use it for
selling soft drinks. Does this mean that GCC is not free?

>  If this right is restricted, whether by
> copyright, patent, trademark, or any other law, then the work is non-free.

Should this include criminal law, such as laws against murder? :-)

Obviously Debian can make up its mind either way on this question, but
the point of view according to which trademark licences are not
required for a bunch of data to be DFSG-free seems more internally
consistent to me and more useful in practice. So personally I'd
recommend going with that direction.

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