I recently bought a new 2D/3D video card based on the 3DLabs chipset, and
the www.xfree86.org serverlist tells me to use the XF86_3DLabs server.
This isn't included in the debian distrobution.  I'm not sure if that
server is only for 3.3.3 and I'm not quite sure how to find out.

My question is a) is it for 3.3.3 only and if so, are there any 3.3.3
debs?  If not, are there docs on compiling my own X server and inserting
it into debian's list?  I would want to remove my old xserver-mach64, but
AFAIK dpkg would complain about dependencies.

Just a few frantic questions before the card makes it to my door.  Thanks
a lot!


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