On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Gregory T. Norris wrote:

Thanks very much.  I was actually kind of hoping for an RTFM answer too so
that I could find this stuff out in the future without posting
questions to the list that I could probably find out by reading some
manual. the XFree howto doesn't have specific info on 3.3.2 vs 3.3.3,
and I find the xfree86.org site difficult to navigate.

the /etc/X11/Xserver tip is exactly what I needed, thanks a million!

I've banged my head on alien"ing" RPMs before, do Xservers typically alien

When you say that it's a server, I assume this means it won't work
with 3.3.2, and I've heard that compiling xfree is a pain (though haven't
tried it).  Is there an experimental version somewhere (I've looked in
/debian/project/experimental -- is there another repository of
experimental packages?)

Thanks again for your help.


> It is indeed a server.  Essentially, you can just download the
> pre-compiled binary from your favorite XFree86 mirror-site, and extract
> it under /usr/local somewhere.  Then edit the first line of
> /etc/X11/Xserver to specify the new server.  Of course, once has
> been packaged (probably won't be much longer, now that slink is [again]
> almost out the door), you won't need to worry about all of the above.
> If you'd prefer, I can send you a .deb package for that server which was
> converted from the tarball via alien (it's not particularly large).  You'd
> still need to edit /etc/X11/Xserver manually.
> > I recently bought a new 2D/3D video card based on the 3DLabs chipset, and
> > the www.xfree86.org serverlist tells me to use the XF86_3DLabs server.
> > This isn't included in the debian distrobution.  I'm not sure if that
> > server is only for 3.3.3 and I'm not quite sure how to find out.
> > 
> > My question is a) is it for 3.3.3 only and if so, are there any 3.3.3
> > debs?  If not, are there docs on compiling my own X server and inserting
> > it into debian's list?  I would want to remove my old xserver-mach64, but
> > AFAIK dpkg would complain about dependencies.
> > 
> > Just a few frantic questions before the card makes it to my door.  Thanks
> > a lot!
> > 
> > -Dano

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