> > When you say that it's a server, I assume this means it won't work
> > with 3.3.2, and I've heard that compiling xfree is a pain (though haven't
> > tried it).  Is there an experimental version somewhere (I've looked in
> > /debian/project/experimental -- is there another repository of
> > experimental packages?)
> It's working without a hint of trouble on my system.  I'm currently
> running the most current X packages out of slink (, plus the
> pre-compiled 3DLabs server (glibc2, from the XFree86 site.  Now
> whether it's by chance or design that the two versions co-exist peacefully,
> I really can't say...

This is excellent news!

> I heard on debian-devel a week or so ago that someone had some
> experimental packages available, though I don't have the address
> handy.  A quick search through the mailing-list archives ought to turn
> it up, tho.

I'll have a look.

Thanks for the info, I'll report back when I pop the card in.


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