On 05/03/12 16:55, Felipe Rozélio wrote:
Good morning, well I used the amd64 debian squeeze in a philips monitor had a resolution of 1024x768 and had no problem. I bought a monitor from AOC e943Fwsk 18.5 'and then the problems started, first noticed on the right side there was a thin black belt by cutting a small piece of the picture, I researched and researched and found how to install the nvidia drivers and set up. Drivers installed and xorg.conf created, now restart your pc when rebooted I noticed the fonts slightly deformed, was soon set in the monitor, except that the resolution does not leave 1368x768 50 Hz whereas my monitor is 1366x766. after attempt to do a lot of work and leave the legal resolution without that black strip on the right side cutting some of the image, changed the driver setting in xorg.conf instead of "nvidia", "nv" and rebooted X. When she returned I noticed that the image was further cut down a bit and decided the resolution to 1360x768 and it was perfect, and so it is now that the image is complete and uncut. But anyway there is a mistake because I wanted to use my 1366x768 resolution with no problems and I noticed it on many distros, not only in Debian. Has anyone experienced the same problem with resolution


/*Felipe Rozélio*/

Sounds like it may just need the monitor auto adjusting, try the monitors menu, or if there is an 'auto' button just press it.

(Maybe you have done so, but I thought it worth stating, just in case.)

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