Hello Felipe Rozélio,

Am 2012-03-05 13:55:43, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
> Good morning, well I used the amd64 debian squeeze in a philips monitor had a
> resolution of 1024x768
> and had no problem. I bought a monitor from AOC e943Fwsk 18.5 'and then the
> problems started,
> first noticed on the right side there was a thin black belt by cutting a small
> piece of the picture,
> I researched and researched and found how to install the nvidia drivers and
> set up. Drivers installed and xorg.conf
> created, now restart your pc when rebooted I noticed the fonts slightly
> deformed, was soon set in
> the monitor, except that the resolution does not leave 1368x768 50 Hz
> whereas my monitor is 1366x766. after

Should be 1366 x 768 right?

Be happy, I have a Asus VW161D which has 1366x768 too, but Squeeze force
the resolution to 1360x768 and it does not mather what I configure.

> I noticed it on many distros, not only in Debian. Has anyone experienced
> the same problem with resolution wide?

Since Squeeze enforce this crapy resolution, VLC refuse to play  several
High-Resolution mp4 files and I hear only the sound...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack

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