On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 10:33:31PM +0200, JG wrote:
> So you could try Lyx (available in woody/contrib, or
> testing/unstable/main), which "is an almost WYSIWYG-frontend for LaTeX
> that runs under the X Window System". 

Inspired by your post, I downloaded and installed
lyx_1.1.6fix4-2_i386.deb, along with libforms0.89_0.89-12_i386.deb. I
had to --force-depends it as I don't have xlib6g installed, though I
do have xlibs and libxaw6. Right out of the box, it has a problem:
certain characters don't display in equations, whether mine or in the
help file. The FAQ and list of known bugs don't seem to mention this.
For example, in the attached file, the = and the superscript 2 don't
show up - they're there on the output, but invisible in the editor.

I'm using the 4.3.0-0ds2.0.0woody1 backport of X 4.3.0. Are there any
known problems with this combination?


Be kind to pigeons
Get my GPG key here: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x21C61F7F
#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
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\begin_inset Formula \( z=x^{2y} \)

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