Verde Denim wrote:
> Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> > Why take any chances?  Install/run Jessie and the application in a
> > virtual machine.
> Thanks for the reply. I thought of that, but the package I'm after is an
> integral part of my test platform for assessing mobile code. I really do
> need to have it in the toolbox.

The question is how accessible does the tool need to be to be
considered in your toolbox?

> Maybe a more pertinent question is - how stable is Jessie at this
> point...

Jessie is at least a year from release.  There are still major changes
planned for it.  I expect Jessie to go through some cyclic stability,
instability, stability, instability before it releases at least a year
from now.

> If the basics of a workstation platform are workable, I might take a
> chance on upgrading.

I think it is pretty good at this moment.  But if your question is
what will it be like next week then that is a much harder question to
answer.  Predicting the future is easy.  Predicting the future
correctly is quite a bit harder. :-)

> I also thought of the 'safer' path in building a vm, adding each app
> to see how it goes and determine what needs to be 'tweaked' as I go,
> and finally, building a physical system from the virtual one
> (assuming VirtualBox allows this to occur on a solid state
> drive). The dist-upgrade would be the shorter path, but I don't want
> to clobber an entire environment in an effort to save myself some
> work.

The VM is a good suggestion.  But heavy.  It would be a complete
different system.  That would put everything at arms length.

I like using chroots for things like you are suggesting.  It is a
different set of work but I suggest setting up a Jessie chroot on your
system.  It is lighter than a full VM.  Then run your dissassembler
from the chroot.

You can even run X GUI programs from the chroot with a little bit of
initial setup.  A lot of people use 'schroot' to make this easier.
Look into schroot for a hint on how to do this.


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