On 23.07.17 22:00, Martin Read wrote:
> There seem to be some other changes to the upstream glade file between
> version 2.0 and version 3.0, which have some indirect effect on the window
> geometry. Both versions have a nominal default width of 500, yet in the
> version in Debian 8 the window would come up wider than that on my system
> (as noted, it would write a window width of 780 into its configuration
> file).
> In Debian 9, it comes up at 500x400 and only three of the tabs are
> immediately visible, but there are small arrows at either end of the tab
> bar, letting you move right and left along it - which is not a particularly
> obvious feature if you're not expecting it.

When two meters back from a big monitor, with wireless keyboard to
bridge the gap, and eyes which have made 63 trips around the big shiny
yellow thing, those tiny flyspecks are worth nothing in terms of user
interface. There should not be hidden secret panels.

It has now been confirmed that older Debian versions provided all 5
tabs, by overriding the 500x400 misconfiguration. Rather than attempt to
replicate the convoluted override meander, it is simpler to just
implement the proposed fix - and then ponder how a more complicated
alternative might be engineered, later.

On 23.07.17 15:30, Curt wrote:
> I took the scientific route and downloaded the deb for Stretch
> (amd64, my particular sauce) and unpacked it (dpkg -x
> pavucontrol_3.0-3.1_amd64.deb _directory_) and indeed the default
> geometry for the window is set in pavucontrol.glade at 500x400
> (width/height) just as Erik claimed.
> Therefore I declare his rant warranted.
> ;-) 
> (If ever rants are really warranted.)

Admittedly dubious, but when at the bottom of a deep dark pit
demonstrably devoid of any visible way out, there comes a time to
rattle the cage. That two twists of a right-hand mantelpiece support
opens an invisible door to the previously denied access, in no way
provides a usable user interface.

> Maybe this constrained default geometry could be considered a bug that
> should be reported to the proper authorities.

As the perfect is the enemy of the good, at least if it leads to
procrastination, my recommendation is to correct the config error as
proposed, and _then_:
> “We’ll sit around talking about the good old days, when we wished that we 
> were dead.”
> --Samuel Beckett, speculating on the nature of the afterlife.

I'm off-line for a week or so, from an hour's time. If no-one's pushed
this one uphill by then, I'll give it a go. It's a lot of pain from one
small oversight.


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