Steve Kleene:
> On Mon, 24 Jul 2017 08:55:42 -0400, I wrote:
>> How about making a local web page reloadpage.html where you include the
>> command to reload evert 234 seconds
>> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="234; url=~/myhtml/reloadpage.html" />
>> and make a table which includes the webpage you want to stay active on within
>> your local page.
> Thanks for the nice idea, but I haven't quite succeeded in executing it.  The
> "refresh" line does indeed get the base page to reload automatically.  But
> all I've been able to put into a table is a link to the URL I really want to
> be refreshed.

You need an iframe:

But beware that sites can tell browsers not to load themselves into
iframes on foreign domains (using an X-Frame-Options header). All recent
browsers adhere to this. If the page you are trying to load returns such
a header, you are out of luck.

You should also be aware that any interaction with the page may be
interrupted by the automatic reload of the parent frame. This approach
is probably only usable for pages you only want to look at. You will
probably even lose your scrolling position inside the iframe when the
parent gets reloaded.

Whenever I hear the word 'art' I reach for my visa card.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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