On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 02:20:20PM +1100, Keith Bainbridge wrote:


> I am convinced that the missing space is used by btrfs snapshot process. But
> WHY is the used space reporting on my daily driver LESS than that on the
> spare machine  29G vs 35G? The original install was the same .iso  Ah well

Perhaps because you upgrade your daily driver more often? May be
because it has more packages installed?

Another post of yours upthread suggests that your upgrade process roughly

 1. take snapshot
 2. upgrade

Do you remove your snapshots if/after all went well? (note that I
have no idea how snapshots are removed under btrfs and whether they
are somehow visible to "du" -- I guess the second is a "no").

If not, the space is taken by all the files which have been overwritten
in the upgrade process. More "versions", less space.


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