composed on 2024-02-20 09:38 (UTC+0100):

> On Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 02:42:18AM -0500, Felix Miata wrote:

>> Keith Bainbridge composed on 2024-02-20 17:45 (UTC+1100):

>> > I just removed 3 snapshots from my daily driver with no change in used 
>> > space reported by df

>> df doesn't know how to calculate freespace on btrfs. You need to be typing

>>      btrfs filesystem df

>> if you have not aliased df to btrfs filesystem df.

> Still, Keith seems to have a real shortage of file system free space,
> otherwise Debian upgrades wouldn't fail.

> I don't know much about btrfs, but what would be really helpful (if
> you do, and it seems so) would be for you to fill us in on how to
> asses the space used up by old snapshots (what seems to be the main
> suspect currently).

My hands-on experience with btrfs is limited to one laptop my brother gave me 
openSUSE installed that I only boot 2-3 times per year. My mentioning of the 
command in this thread is based upon years of frequenting openSUSE and Fedora
mailing lists and forums. openSUSE made btrfs its default filesystem somewhere
around 7-8 years ago. I think Fedora made btrfs default more recently. Google &
DDG should be able to provide much better help than I on how to interpret btrfs
command output. So should and and the comparable
Fedora forums. My own Gnu/Linux installations, other than Knoppix, have always
been on extX.

I suggest Keith's 36G / partition size must be a marginal for btrfs use. IIRC, 
may be the officially suggested minimum size for an openSUSE btrfs / filesystem
where /home/ is on a separate (xfs) filesystem. Keith has /home/ within /.

Surely somewhere on such things must be addressed if Bookworm's 
has also been changed to btrfs.
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
        based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

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