Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 2:01:41 PM, R. Scott Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >> Contrary to your comments on the use of this forum, it has always 
RSP> been for all things Declude when Scott
 >> was the sole player he never complained about the conversation 
RSP> threads. Positive or negative. I think you
 >> could complain if say we were talking about phone systems.

RSP> On the other hand, I would be saying "Hey, wait a minute here..."  :)
Yes you would, but you never failed to listen and to soak in the
comments from your customers and respond to them.  You stood your
ground tactfully when appropriate, but I can't remember when you ever
devalued comments from the customer base as 'negative' nor suggest
that follow-up posts about a topic you introduced to the list were

RSP> I would explain that Commtouch should indeed be treated as an addon to
RSP> Declude, not part of the base package (since it requires a huge amount
RSP> of manpower in the background).  I would then explain that while the 
RSP> revenue share plan may not seem ideal to everyone, people who don't find
RSP> the revenue share plan acceptable can either [1] continue using Declude
RSP> as they have with no extra cost, or [2] if they want to add real-time 
RSP> scanning, they can go with an alternative like Message Sniffer.

RSP> It's encouraging that customers see this as a "gotta have it" addon, but
RSP> it is important to recognize that it should still be treated as an addon.
I don't think there is an issue with understanding that Commtouch is an
optional add-on, just the same as was Declude Virus and Declude
Junkmail.  I also don't think that the majority of customers consider
it as a "gotta have it," either, much the same as we didn't think
Hijack was to die for.

A close read of the many recent posts will disclose that the core
issues are much more fundamental.

There was a time when I thought that much of the criticism of Declude
was exemplary of impatience and youth. I verbalize that to Barry and
did the same in an e-mail message to David. However, at this juncture,
enough time has passed for the new regime to be up to speed and
in-touch with its customer base. Unfortunately, current performance
doesn't make a dent in the performance when Scott Perry was running
the firm, and that was with more limited resources, to boot.

There always comes a time when people say "enough is enough" and if I
were running Declude and saw all of these 'negative' posts, frankly,
I'd be worried and get real busy listening, understanding and fixing
what's broken. Moreover, I'd much rather deal with a customer who was
willing to tell me what was broken and give me a chance to fix it
rather than dealing with the silent customer who just went away.


Don Brown - Dallas, Texas USA     Internet Concepts, Inc.
(972) 788-2364                    Fax: (972) 788-5049

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