We run an older Declude perpetual license, so we weren’t affected by this
issue, and don’t use Postini, so it’s just the new spam nets over the past
week or so that have affected us.


From: Katie La Salle-Lowery
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 12:56 PM
To: Declude.JunkMail@declude.com
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] No one at Declude?

Declude and Postinin dying in the same period as the Spamhaus battle
(assuming that is ongoing) is putting the hurt on, I think.

Katie LaSalle-Lowery


1120 S. Russell; Ste B

Missoula, MT 59801

ph (406)549-3337

fax (406)541-9338

From: Darin Cox [mailto:dc...@4cweb.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 10:52 AM
To: Declude.JunkMail@declude.com
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] No one at Declude?

There are a lot of new spam nets that have just been turned up over the past
few days.  Volumes more than doubled for us, with a lot slipping through.
We’ve added quite a few class Cs to our firewall blocks this week as we see
new ones light up that are entirely owned by a spammer.  That’s helped cut
it down almost to normal levels, and we’ve gotten ahead of them at times by
blocking their entire net before they used some of their IPs.


From: Katie La Salle-Lowery

Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 12:37 PM

To: Declude.JunkMail@declude.com

Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] No one at Declude?

Our Declude + Message Sniffer appears to be processing, and it is deleting
much spam, but we are experiencing much more spam delivery than a couple
weeks ago and I’m getting user complaints.

Katie LaSalle-Lowery


1120 S. Russell; Ste B

Missoula, MT 59801

ph (406)549-3337

fax (406)541-9338

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