Hi all,

has anyone tried to build the Derby jars based on the (10.1.2
Release Candidate #2) source code archive? (We are supposed to be able
to do this, right?)

I downloaded db-derby- from
http://people.apache.org/~kmarsden/derby10. and extracted
the archive.

Running "ant all" goes just fine - however, "ant buildjars" fails,
saying that the jars/sane/lists.smf.mf manifest is invalid. Ant
complains that 'Manifest sections should start with a "Name" attribute
and not "Sealed"' (see attachment "ant_buildjars_error.txt").

I compared the smf.mf of the "build" with the same file in my
subversion repository, and the only difference was that the
manifest has an extra blank line between "Bundle-Version" and the first
"Sealed: true" attribute in the manifest, which apparently causes the
failure (see attachment "smf.mf").

The lonely "Sealed: true" attribute is obviously supposed to be in the
"main section" of the manifest.
http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/jar/jar.html states that
"No attribute in this section can have its name equal to  "Name". This
section is terminated by an empty line." Thus, the extra empty line is
causing the failure.

A google search led me to a thread in the mailing list archive of Apache
Gump: http://tinyurl.com/742ln.
It seems that Andrew has come across the same build error fairly
recently, and that this is/was a subversion problem.

So, Andrew, any ideas why this error appears when I try to build the
jars based on the code from the source archive?

My build environment:

Solaris 10 (x86)




      [jar] Building jar: 
      [jar] Manifest is invalid: Manifest sections should start with a "Name" 
attribute and not "Sealed"

 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 Invalid Manifest: 

Total time: 7 seconds

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.2
Created-By: 1.4.2_02-b03 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Bundle-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation
Bundle-Name: Apache Derby 10.1
Bundle-Version: 10.1.2000001.exported

Sealed: true

Name: org/apache/derby/impl/tools/sysinfo/
Sealed: false

Name: org/apache/derby/iapi/services/context/
Sealed: false

Name: org/apache/derby/iapi/services/info/
Sealed: false

Name: org/apache/derby/jdbc/
Sealed: false

Name: org/apache/derby/info/
Sealed: false

Name: org/apache/derby/iapi/error/
Sealed: false

Name: org/apache/derby/iapi/services/i18n/
Sealed: false

Name: org/apache/derby/impl/jdbc/
Sealed: false

Name: org/apache/derby/iapi/tools/i18n/
Sealed: false

Name: org/apache/derby/loc/
Sealed: false

Name: org/apache/derby/tools/
Sealed: false

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