How about a dragonfly holding onto our current LO icon[s]?

It will combine the current icons we currently have with a new logo icon.

On 04/04/2017 06:00 AM, Heiko Tietze wrote:
Great idea! Easy to name, broad associations, and beautiful artwork
including tatoos (for those who really love the product) and sticker
pins. Unfortunately there is
(never heard before). Challenge for designer to make it look

2017-04-04 11:18 GMT+02:00 K-J LibreOffice <>:
Hi all,
what do you think about a dragonfly (odonata) [1], [2]. Carl von Linné
called it: "Libellula" and so we get to "LibO".

It is an animal which we can find all over the world (except Antarctica).

"They are fast, agile fliers, sometimes migrating across oceans [...] They
are symbols of courage, strength, and happines [...]". [1]

"Dragonflies are strong fliers with fairly robust bodies" [2]
"Dragonflies are powerful and agile fliers, capable of migrating across
oceans, moving in any direction, and changing direction suddenly. In flight,
the adult dragonfly can propel itself in six directions: upward, downward,
forward, back, to left and to right.
[...] The wings are powered directly, with the flight muscles attached to
the wing bases. Dragonflies have a high power/weight ratio, and have been
documented accelerating at 4 G linearly and 9 G in sharp turns while
pursuing prey.["

They are beautiful with many different colours.
They are grown up from larvae (OOO).
They are predators (@Cor).


Am 04.04.2017 um 08:55 schrieb Heiko Tietze:
2017-04-04 1:48 GMT+02:00 Tim-L--Elmira-NY <>:
For me, I keep thinking that LO is slowly working to take on various
platforms.  So far, LO has taken over Linux's platforms from
- from day one.  Then Windows and Mac platforms came quickly.  Although
has not made really much headway against MS Office, to me it seems LO is
slowly gaining a market share a little at a time. LO is working on an
Android version and later I do not doubt Apple's IOS will see a version.

Sounds like a cute virus :-)
(Such a mascot would have the added value of being a massage ball)

As an intermediate state, the metaphors we do have so far:

* Freedom (dove like bird, though occupied by Apache OpenOffice; and
disliked by some)
* Speed/Improvement (fast birds)
* (Smart and not aggressive) Hunter (bird of prey, raptor)
* Intelligence (Weimeraner dog on G+ "good hunter and faithful pet but
requires lots of exercise")
* Openness
* Documents/Wisdom (Owl)
* Cuteness / Seven lives (Big? grumpy? kitten or puppy dog)
* Speed (Horse, though used by EuroOffice; and disliked by some)

That's a pretty good basis for skilled designers. Anything else?


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