On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 7:06 AM, Julien Vehent <jul...@linuxwall.info> wrote:
> It seems that AES-256 is always 25% to 30% slower than AES-128, regardless of 
> AES-NI, or the CPU family.

> The slowest implementation of AES-256 has a bandwidth of 21MBytes/s, which is 
> probably fast enough for any browser

> If performance was the only reason to prefer AES-128, I would disagree with 
> the proposal. But your other arguments regarding AES-256 not
> provided additional security, are convincing.

> This paper: eprint.iacr.org/2007/318.pdf
>       On the complexity of side-channel attacks on AES-256
>     - methodology and quantitative results on cache attacks -

Perhaps my arguments were a little over-stated though. The attack I
referenced in the proposal is the related-key attack on reduced-round
AES-256. That is something I should have emphasized. Really, I am
speculating that this shows that thinking AES-256 is hugely more
secure than AES-128 is questionable, but it isn't a slam-dunk case.

The side-channel attack paper you cited seems like the more
interesting one. It doesn't seem like an argument against AES-256 on
its own though, since it still says AES-256 is more difficult to
attack through the given side channels than AES-128.

So, the main remaining question with AES-256 vs. AES-128 is not
whether AES-128 is just as secure as AES-256. Instead, we have to
decide whether AES-256 a better security/performance trade-off vs
AES-128. I agree with you that the performance numbers for AES-256 vs.
AES-128 do not make this a slam-dunk. We should do the measurements on
a typical Firefox OS device and see if there is a significant
difference there. Until then, unless others suggest otherwise, I think
I will just keep the relative ordering of analogous AES-256 and
AES-128 cipher suites the same as they are in NSS today.

> However, it refers to software implementations of AES. Do we know if this
> result still applies for AESNI?

One takeaway from your email is that with AES-NI I don't see a strong
case for prefering AES-128 over AES-256. The issue is really what to
do about the non-AES-NI case, assuming we all agree that the presence
of AES-NI shouldn't affect the order that the client suggests cipher
suites in.

Thank you very much for taking the time to do these measurements and
sharing your insight.

Mozilla Networking/Crypto/Security (Necko/NSS/PSM)
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