On Monday 05 December 2016 04:17 PM, Johan Corveleyn wrote:
An innocent bystander's opinion (I'm not an ivy / ant developer, but
I'm active in the Apache Subversion community): First of all, this is
a volunteer-driven open source project.
I completely understand.

  You're entirely free to use it
or to use something else ... no hard feelings. Second, I'm guessing
the ivy (and ant) project would very much welcome extra hands. So if
this project is important to you, and you want a release to happen ...
why don't you join the effort and help drive it. IMHO, if serious
projects need it, they should also put in serious time, and start
scratching some of their own itches (and, you know, become a
substantial part of the active community you're asking for here).
Like I said in my mails, I've tried. Anyway, here's some previous mails where I tried [1] [2] [3].

If right now the problem is "there is noone able to create / manage
new releases" (but some people are still around to watch over the code
and fix bugs), maybe someone can step up specifically for the job of
release manager ...
It's not just that - it's one thing assigning some release manager and another to have someone/team who knows the in and outs of the project and has a vision for that project and makes relevant design decisions. Me? I can provide patches and fixes and enhancements for whatever little knowledge I gain by looking at existing code, but my experience with Ivy is just limited to the past few years when I started using it as a user.

Overall, I think my concern is not about why there's no activity in Ivy project but the fact that it's being advertised as a project which has a future, but as someone who's using/trying to use it, there's really nothing to look forward to in terms of roadmap or releases or development.

[1] http://marc.info/?l=ant-dev&m=143702067424412&w=2
[2] http://marc.info/?l=ant-dev&m=143765756710466&w=2
[3] http://marc.info/?l=ant-dev&m=144026083515049&w=2


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