Thanks Jaikran,
I will look at your patches, I'll try to do it this week.If possible, please 
attach a junit test as well to reproduce the problem.

About the release, the master branch already contains some fixes since the 
2.4.0 release. They are listed in the release-notes.html in the 'doc' 
directory. If we want to create a 2.4.1 release, we should merge all these 
changes (and all upcomming patches) into the 2.4.x branch as well. If we decide 
to create a 2.5.0 release, this merging isn't necessary. I wouldn't pin on an 
exact timing, we can create a release any time when we think the codebase is 
ready for it.

We also have to find a release manager. I did it in the past when we were on 
SVN, but I don't have enough GIT knowledge (and I don't have the time to look 
into it) to do a new release. 


      Van: Jaikiran Pai <>
 Verzonden: zondag 11 december 15:22 2016
 Onderwerp: Ivy - Proposal for reviving the project and moving towards a release
First off, I'm not an Ivy or Ant committer. The proposal that I make 
below for an Ivy release is based on what was discussed in a recent mail 
thread about the future of Ivy There was 
a suggestion that someone from community volunteer to try and bring in 
some activity into the project and see if we can create a release after 
triaging the JIRA issues.

I have had a look at the open issues in JIRA today and decided to filter 
out issues that are open, updated since Jan 2014 and affects versions 
2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4. I decided to use this as a filter criteria to 
just select a few that I thought can be considered "active". This [1] 
returns 57 issues. I went ahead and looked at those issues today and 
have asked for more information in the JIRAs wherever relevant and have 
sent a couple of pull requests [2] [3] to fix some straightforward ones. 
I also have another PR that I opened this week to fix one other issue. 
Out of those 57 issues, many are no longer relevant or don't have enough 
details. I don't have JIRA privileges to label them, share filters or 
even assign some to myself to track them better. So I think for now, we 
can rely on that JIRA search query [1].

At this point, I think, if we can target March 2017 for releasing a 
2.4.1-Beta-1 with fixes from the list of JIRAs I think that would be a 
good start. Some of the issues noted in that JIRA are indeed important 
ones and would need some review/help in fixing them correctly, which 
essentially means, we need at least one person who has had experience 
with the Ivy code and its design details and also has the committer rights.

Does any of this look feasible? Let me know if this isn't enough to move 
things forward - I don't want to end up sending PRs and spending time on 
this if there's no way we can get to a proper release in the next few 





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