On Apr 24, 2006, at 3:54 PM, Davi Arnaut wrote:
2) I notice that there is a database interface, but even though
SQLite is supported, the exposed APIs resemble DBM-style interfaces.
Is there a plan to create a super-simple rowset style interface for
backends that support it?

I don't know, what does Google say ?

Well, I was hoping that an actual representative of the project could speak to what is planned for the project proper, rather than try to infer what may or may not be happening to the project at some point in the future.

3) The documentation is scarce or non-existent.  Everything I've
learned thus far has been from Inoue Seiichiro's tutorial.  Are there
any official documentation project's active or planned?


Sorry, but Doxygen and a slideshow with little to no actual information (both of which I've already seen) do not a suite of documentation make. Doxygen is as valuable in the grand scheme of things as is Javadoc, and that's not much because neither are able to paint an overall picture of contextual or global cohesion. As I was saying, Inoue Seiichiro's tutorial is by the far the best documentation I've found for APR, and the fact that nothing made available by the APR project itself even comes close is somewhat disconcerting.

Let me reiterate. I'm very impressed with the API, and I see broad developmental usage for APR outside of the Apache project proper, but the major hurdle at this point is the very real lack of documentation. Not need to get defensive about it, especially since I'm offering my assistance.

Tom Bradford - http://www.tbradford.org/

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