Tom Bradford wrote:
Greetings, I have a few questions after having been subscribed to this list for a few days.

1) I see that there's not a lot of activity on this list. What is the current active status of the project?

apr tends to grow in fits and spurts.  So you may see the list quite quiet
for a time (-especially- when alot of the main contributors are hiding over
at httpd, svn or other projects trying to get to some end goal).  On the
other hand, prepare for 20-30 mail deluge some afternoon, you've been warned :)

3) The documentation is scarce or non-existent. Everything I've learned thus far has been from Inoue Seiichiro's tutorial. Are there any official documentation project's active or planned?

The documentation can -certainly- use improvement, mostly from the perspective
of 'new to apr, how do I get started?' along with some of the more cryptic bits
of collective knowledge.

I'm currently using APR for a commercial router project, and am learning as I go. I'm rather impressed with the elegance and clean use of incomplete types for a more, dare I say it, 'object oriented' approach to C APIs.

Glad to hear it looks suited to your project!

If there is no documentation project currently active, I can attempt to document what I'm learning as I go, and donate it back to the project.

Documentation discussions do belong on [EMAIL PROTECTED], since the docs need 
eyeballs of the authors who designed the interfaces.  Thank you for the
offer, as all contributions, code, docs, beer are welcome.


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