On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 4:26 PM, Jack Krupansky <jack.krupan...@gmail.com>

> Jonathan, just to complete the list, it would be help to state:
> 3.1.x will be maintained until <what>
> 3.2 will be maintained until <what>

One of the confusing things about tick tock is that we're stuck with
numbers that look like the old ones but mean different things.

In the old world, 2.1 was a release that took a year of work, and it got
maintained with roughly-monthly updates of 2.1.x.

In the tick tock world, the corresponding series is just "3," and the
monthly updates are 3.1, 3.2, and so forth, with new features allowed in
the even releases every two months.  So in general, there will be no 3.1.x
or 3.2.y releases.  When a bug is critical enough to make an exception to
the "wait for the next monthly release" rule, it will be fixed in the most
recent bugfix tock.

will tick-tock completely replace that "traditional"
> section?


> In which case, the question of criteria for defining "stable
> release" remains, unless it becomes no different than the latest tick-tock
> release.

That's the idea, and that's why we're getting very religious about test
engineering, so that those monthly releases will always be stable.

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