On Sun, Apr 2, 2017 at 7:53 PM, Jeff Jirsa <jji...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 3) As a follow-up to #2, I proposed pushing up some CircleCI and Travis
> YML files into the active branches to make testing easier -  (
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/48e73ff0d2aff5af3d6feb20af5e7f
> 4318c17379471abb2c16c2dcdf@%3Cdev.cassandra.apache.org%3E /
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-13388 ). If anyone has
> strong opinions on Circle/Travis, or is great with setting up yaml files to
> configure parallel CI tests, wouldn't mind having some feedback here (like
> "we can split up nosetests like ____", or "let's use ____ instead because
> it'll be easier", or "just push it as is and we'll iterate on it later" -
> I'm personally leaning towards "push it and iterate later", since it's not
> actually impacting the database at runtime, but other feedback is always
> great)
^ the circleci portion of 13388 is now pushed. Contributors who always
wanted to run unit tests but didn't know how, all you have to do is link
circleci to your github account, and pull/push to your repo, and it'll kick
off a build.

- Jeff

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