Upayavira wrote:

An interesting read. Where does the servlet container sit within this picture?

Simplest way is to use an implementation of the HTTP service [1], there is a Jetty version http://oscar-osgi.sourceforge.net/repo/http/, a version with (AFAICS) an own servlet conatiner http://www.knopflerfish.org/releases/1.3.3/jars/index.html for the Tomcat plugin in Eclipse I don't know if it implements OSGis HTTP service or not. Don't know how you use it from a stand alone service container.

Do you need to have an OSGi servlet?

Its the simplest way.

Eclipse could by the sound of it load these bundles, but wouldn't be able to run them due to a lack of servlet container.

Don't know what servlet contract Eclipse use, but as it is a OSGi container any implementation of the OSGi HTTP service should be possible to use.

Regards, Upayavira

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:


The Cocoon servlet bundle

At last we need to have a Cocoon servlet bundle it looks up the Cocoon service and a HTTP service [10] (both Tomcat and Jetty implementations are available), embeds the Cocoon service in the Cocoon servlet and register it in the HTTP service. That is all.

For some uses it would probably be good to be able to package everything including the OSGi framework as a WAR that can be deplyoyed into a Servlet container. I haven't thought about how to acomplish that.


[10] http://www.knopflerfish.org/releases/1.3.3/javadoc/org/osgi/service/http/package-summary.html

Hopefully some of our Eclipse experts can give a better answer.


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