Thanks for your interest, Adrian!  Comments inline:

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 1:58 PM, Adrian Crum
<> wrote:
> On 1/24/2012 6:58 PM, Matt Benson wrote:
>> IMO the difference between [lang]'s and [functor]'s range concepts is that
>> those in [lang] are intended to be able to say whether a given value is in
>> the Range, but, with the exception of CharRange (this class is not even
>> public), they make no provision for iterating over members of the range. I
>> would therefore design a [functor]-targeted Range builder API to allow the
>> user to specify how next values are obtained. Range may not even be the best
>> word to describe the behavior we are trying to model here, so let's be open
>> to reinterpretation as we proceed.
> From my perspective, Range + Step = Sequence.

I'll buy that if noone else objects.  :)

> A Range iterator would be
> useful for implementing mathematical sets.

e.g. integer range a..b step 3 yields the sequence of integers n
greater than or equal to a and less than or equal to b where (n - a) %
3 == 0 ?  Is this useful?


> -Adrian
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