On 1/24/2012 8:15 PM, Matt Benson wrote:
Thanks for your interest, Adrian!  Comments inline:

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 1:58 PM, Adrian Crum
<adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com>  wrote:
On 1/24/2012 6:58 PM, Matt Benson wrote:
IMO the difference between [lang]'s and [functor]'s range concepts is that
those in [lang] are intended to be able to say whether a given value is in
the Range, but, with the exception of CharRange (this class is not even
public), they make no provision for iterating over members of the range. I
would therefore design a [functor]-targeted Range builder API to allow the
user to specify how next values are obtained. Range may not even be the best
word to describe the behavior we are trying to model here, so let's be open
to reinterpretation as we proceed.

 From my perspective, Range + Step = Sequence.
I'll buy that if noone else objects.  :)

A Range iterator would be
useful for implementing mathematical sets.
e.g. integer range a..b step 3 yields the sequence of integers n
greater than or equal to a and less than or equal to b where (n - a) %
3 == 0 ?  Is this useful?


It would be useful for a mathematician. Another possibility is a Range of Dates, with a step of one hour, or one day or...

The Range class could accept an Iterator factory so various steps can be implemented in client code.


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