Le 13/03/2012 17:52, Gilles Sadowski a écrit :

What about the "Useful for the developer" category?

They are useful at release time only, then they become quickly outdated as the code evolves after the release.

If I want to help Commons Math, I'll checkout the code and build the reports. Then I might inspect the Findbugs report and see if there is something to fix. But I'll never go to the website and browse months old reports.

The point is, these reports are valuable if they are updated continuously, but that's not possible to do that, because if the documentation is updated, the site will expose information that is not applicable to the latest release, but to the next one.

What I'd like to see is a more user oriented site, something clear and simple, and a developer oriented site with all the reports you want, automatically updated everyday.

Emmanuel Bourg

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