Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

Ahh, but that is the "smart" part of my proposal.

Hey, are you saying there are sometimes not so smart parts in your
proposals :-)

Well I think my recent fresh-site fix for raw HTML that completely removed the current 0.7 behaviour is a pretty good example of a dumb idea :-))

There is no need to
move existing docs if we don't want to. With the locationmap branch we
can use content form multiple locations.

Can somebody put this in plain apprentice English for me pls ...


Imagine a Forrest site that has the following sections:

Developer Documentation
User Documentation
Official Plugins
3rd Party Plugins overview
3rd Party Skins overview

The content for each of these sections may come from (for example)

Dev Docs - existing docs in SVN
User Docs - new docs on the CMS
Official plugins - generated by the plugin system
3rd Party plugins overview - various 3rd party sites
3rd Party Skins overview - various 3rd party sites

In addition we may take the odd page from other sources. For example:

Creating a diff - from the SVN Book
Single Source Publishing - from Wikipedia (ignoring license issues)

etc. etc.

In other words with the locationmap our source documentation is no longer limited to being on the local file system, nor is it limited from being from a single remote repository. We can go as far as to have every page come from a different source.

site.xml looks just the same as normal and is used to define the URI space the user sees. A locationmap file is used to tell Forrest where to get a source file from. The location of the source file can be changed independently of the users urlspace.

If, at a later date we decide to consolidate on the CMS or revert to using SVN. No problem, use Forrest to generate the relevant format, place them in the CMS/SVN as appropriate and update the locationmap. The user URLspace is unchanged, but the source URLspace has changed.

If you want to know more about *how* rather than *what* then checkout the locationmap branch, do "forrest seed" and look at the locationmap sample.


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