David Crossley wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

Ferdinand Soethe wrote:


- Create a new file, etc/RELEASE-NOTES-x.y.txt, where x.y is the version
currently being released. It is best to copy an earlier RELEASE-NOTES file,
to keep a common layout.
In this file, provide a summary of changes, and check for general accuracy.
Scan the status.xml/changes and the Roadmap via the issues tracker,
to find the important issues.

Ross: Is this the part that you have automated? If so, can you pls
provide me with new instructions.

Yes: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=forrest-dev&m=111695995215534&w=2

Be aware of http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FOR-514?page=all, however, this patch need not be applied for our release (since the current behaviour is OK for our limited use case).

The new ability might assist, but we still need the RELEASE-NOTES-0.7.txt file.

cd FORREST_HOME/site-author
forrest run

What's missing from this document, I'll fix it while you folk work on other things.

(note when the version number in status.xml has been changed then request http://localhost:8888/releaseNotes_0.7.txt, the warning about developer version will go and the version numbers will be right)


- Repeat that on a Windows machine.
- Use the .tar.gz from the UNIX machine and .zip from the Windows machine.
- In that way, SVN will ensure correct line-endings on all text files.

Well you can do this, you will need

Not sure what Ross' unfinished statement is.

I think I fell asleep at the keyboard at that point.

I have no idea what I was saying. :-( As my grandfather used to say, if you've forgotten it then it wasn't important, but I think he may have forgotten what its like to have a six month child by then ;-)


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