"Bill Stoddard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I suspect something is messed up in your build. f->ctx (and net->c) are both 
> in the core_install_transport_filters(conn_rec *c, apr_socket_t *csd) call. It 
> and serves pages cleanly for me. Can you verify if core_install_transport_filters is 
> run?

Does this backtrace tell you anything (proxy)?

#0  core_output_filter (f=0x40615fec, b=0x405ddff4) at core.c:3209
3209        core_output_filter_ctx_t *ctx = net->out_ctx;
#0  core_output_filter (f=0x40615fec, b=0x405ddff4) at core.c:3209
#1  0x809ec63 in ap_pass_brigade (next=0x40615fec, bb=0x405ddff4) at
#2  0x40b2a7c9 in ap_proxy_http_request (p=0x4052efc0, r=0x40562e84,
    origin=0x40603fb8, conf=0x40deffb0, uri=0x405e1fd4,
    url=0x405f9fec "/cgi-bin/printenv", bb=0x405ddff4,
server_portstr=0xbffff94c "")
    at proxy_http.c:640
#3  0x40b2b245 in ap_proxy_http_handler (r=0x40562e84,
    url=0x405f9fec "/cgi-bin/printenv", proxyname=0x0, proxyport=0) at
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---#4  0x40a18832
in proxy_run_scheme_han
dler (r=0x40562e84, conf=0x40deffb0,
    url=0x405cdfd6 "";,
proxyhost=0x0, proxyport=0)
    at mod_proxy.c:1008
#5  0x40a17ab7 in proxy_handler (r=0x40562e84) at mod_proxy.c:460
#6  0x8093ed2 in ap_run_handler (r=0x40562e84) at config.c:185
#7  0x8094427 in ap_invoke_handler (r=0x40562e84) at config.c:359
#8  0x8070463 in ap_process_request (r=0x40562e84) at
#9  0x806c511 in ap_process_http_connection (c=0x4054efb8) at
#10 0x809cd8e in ap_run_process_connection (c=0x4054efb8) at
#11 0x809d056 in ap_process_connection (c=0x4054efb8, csd=0x40544fd4)
at connection.c:231
#12 0x8092ade in child_main (child_num_arg=2) at prefork.c:717
#13 0x8092c0b in make_child (s=0x40b00f9c, slot=2) at prefork.c:807
#14 0x8092c71 in startup_children (number_to_start=5) at prefork.c:830
#15 0x8092fce in ap_mpm_run (_pconf=0x40220fc0, plog=0x4078dfc0,
    at prefork.c:1037
#16 0x8098257 in main (argc=3, argv=0xbffffc34) at main.c:498

Here is the request I sent:


(9999 is my port, so I'm proxying to my own server)

This is a bare-bones proxy configuration.

If you need more info let me know.  Rather than set breakpoints in
that hook to see if I get there I'd rather teach my scripts to save
backtraces from coredumps while I've got a live problem.

Jeff Trawick | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP public key at web site:
             Born in Roswell... married an alien...

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