On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

| Unlike others here, I'm not emotionally invested in getting 2.0
| out "soon".  If it takes a few more months for it to be Ready,
| that's fine with me.  I think there are some interested parties
| that would rather have it released sooner than later, though,
| and I would really rather release something 'good' than something
| that's just 'good enough'.

Oh, definitely. There's no reason to go half-way, when (esp. in the case
of this) one should go as far as one can to release something that has
very high quality associated with it. Afterall, this is the most widely
used web server on the internet.

I'm not saying ap 2.0 has to be out next week, or even next month for that
matter. There just seems to be a lack of foresight here. The way things
are now, "a few more months" will turn into a few more months after that,
etc. etc.

Apache 2.0 is entering into it's third year of on-going development, and
lots of good code and ideas have been put into it. But the longer it goes
on without any enforced release management or goals, the more it looks
like vaporware to the masses out there who arent "in the know."

It's not a question of 'where's the beef?". It's more like "does anyone
have a clue as to when the beef will be done?"


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