Dale Ghent wrote:

>On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
>| Unlike others here, I'm not emotionally invested in getting 2.0
>| out "soon".  If it takes a few more months for it to be Ready,
>| that's fine with me.  I think there are some interested parties
>| that would rather have it released sooner than later, though,
>| and I would really rather release something 'good' than something
>| that's just 'good enough'.
>Oh, definitely. There's no reason to go half-way, when (esp. in the case
>of this) one should go as far as one can to release something that has
>very high quality associated with it. Afterall, this is the most widely
>used web server on the internet.
>I'm not saying ap 2.0 has to be out next week, or even next month for that
>matter. There just seems to be a lack of foresight here. The way things
>are now, "a few more months" will turn into a few more months after that,
>etc. etc.
>Apache 2.0 is entering into it's third year of on-going development, and
>lots of good code and ideas have been put into it. But the longer it goes
>on without any enforced release management or goals, the more it looks
>like vaporware to the masses out there who arent "in the know."
>It's not a question of 'where's the beef?". It's more like "does anyone
>have a clue as to when the beef will be done?"

But we do know when it will be done.  There's a list of items under the
"Release Showstoppers" that define what needs to happen before we can
declare a 2.0.x version Generally Available.

Fortunately, this list is short.  It doesn't contain any new features,
which is a good thing.  It contains one performance fix and half a dozen
important functional bugs.


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