> Bill Stoddard wrote:
> >
> > Please lets not go overboard with these types of optimizations.  This could get 
>out of
> > control quickly. Having code that is easy to read, understand and maintain is 
> > important than saving a a few extra cycles.
> In a previous job where I had a lot of low level hardware profiling information
> available, we found that on average, instructions which incurred cache misses
> took something like 26 times longer to execute than instructions which didn't
> miss.  That difference is likely to grow as CPUs get faster relative to main
> memory.   There is a fair amount of research and development in
> feedback-directed compilation techniques to automate such optimizations.  For
> example, http://www.research.ibm.com/journal/sj/372/schmidt.html .
> But since this bothers people, I will move the infrequently executed
> instructions back into the hot path.
> Greg

I am not against restructuring the code to be more friendly to instruction caches and 
I am
not dogmatically opposed to judicious use of goto, however... The use of goto in this 
exceeds my pain threshold by a substantial margin.  This approach taken to its logical
conclusion would yield unsupportable code.


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