Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 8:53 AM, Akins, Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Very rough draft.  But this is not necessarily slooooow... ;)


Even then, the user/admin may be willing to burn CPU cycles anyway to
get a simpler config.  Plus, if they were to use mod_rewrite, they've
already blown a huge chunk of CPU cycles!  =)  -- justin

Yes!  I'm not against offering slow features :)

I'm only antagonistic towards replacing the fast ones, from today.

FYI - Files and Directory should be entirely moved out of core into our
default filesystem provider module.  Only host/location/method should be
part of the core (well, host perhaps in the http layer).

The <If logic doesn't even apply when that module isn't loaded, I'd hope.
Those admins who refuse to let their junior admins use that directive
should have a level of control over their outward facing heavily-loaded
machines :)

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