Roy T. Fielding wrote:

I think most of the stuff in NOTICE is documentation that belongs
in README.  The only things we put in NOTICE files are copyright
or attribution lines required by the original copyright owners.

  OK, thanks -- made a quick edit this morning.

Makefile and .deps should be generated files.

  Agreed; I haven't removed .deps yet because the existing build
process fails without it.  If we're moving into httpd's modules
collection, all this stuff can be scrubbed.  If we're distributing
separately, the module will need a full autoconf implementation.
I'm +1 on the former idea as it saves a lot of effort.  :-)

We have not done any releases of this code, so we are not responsible
for "fixing" releases that might already exist.  In any case, a branch
can be created at any time by copying a specific revision number; there
is no reason to create it before the branch is needed.

  True; I just figured this might count as part of dotting all the i's,
etc.  Happy to skip it if not needed.

Go ahead.  It might be worthwhile to create a tag after the whitespace
changes (same as a branch but without implying later mods) that we can
use for easier functional diffs in the future.

  Done and done, I think.

FCGI_ is good.  What about docs?

  Docs will take some time, as they always do.  Ryan's original
English docs, which are fairly terse, remain on his
site.  I think it's probably worth taking the time to write a fresh
set and one that covers all the more recent configuration directives.

  Again, this would be a lot easier to do within the existing httpd
doc build framework (even if the docs aren't actually committed until
the code migrates too), so I'm inclined to wait for an agreement on
whether that's the general plan before diving in.  Opinions?


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