William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

sounds great, the form is here;


Good god is incubator/public/trunk/ a mess ;-)

  I've tried to wade through this and the results are here:


  The httpd-mod_fcgid.xml file is my first whack at the IP clearance
template.  You may want to adjust a few things:

1) For "officer or member managing donation" I put my name, but it
  should perhaps be whoever commits to the Incubator SVN, for which
  I lack karma.

2) I added a few extra paragraphs listing the specific information
  we've gathered here over the last couple of months; these may
  be something you want to delete.

3) The code package and MD5 and SHA1 signatures are in my personal
  directory.  My reading of the form is that this is OK since the
  SLA doesn't specifically mention a checksum; as a result we just
  need a temporary location to host the package while it is reviewed.

4) The code package is a checkout of the CVS trunk from SourceForge;
  all I've done is insert LICENSE and NOTICE files, add AL 2.0 license
  text to all .c, .h, .rc, and .mk files (following the httpd example)
  and prune out some small text and CVS files.

  The NOTICE file contains an acknowledgment of Ryan's original work
  and the location of the FastCGI specification (but specifically not
  the mod_fastcgi code or documentation!)

  Hope that helps; let me know if there's more I can do.  Thanks,


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