On 12/13/2011 10:22 AM, Graham Leggett wrote:
> - mod_policy: "HTTP protocol police"
> mod_policy is a set of httpd filters that detect and implement a set of HTTP 
> protocol checks, the idea being you declare a policy for your development and 
> testing environments, and requests/responses that violate the policy will 
> either log a warning to the error_log or explicitly fail with a suitable 
> error message, clearly telling the developer what they have done wrong, with 
> the expectation that the developer fixes this before the code sees production.

Very interesting, sounds generally useful to developers, and rounds out that
large gap in modules/test/ that we essentially offer very little for 'testing'
in terms of functional test modules.

> The set of policies to apply is as follows, but is expected to change with 
> time:
> o Content-Type: check that it's present and valid
> o Content-Length: check that it is present and valid (used to ensure that 
> keepalive requests between httpd and load balancers aren't prematurely 
> terminated by a Connection: close)

Presume this means C-L and/or T-E chunked?

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