On 12/13/2011 12:39 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
> On 12/13/2011 10:22 AM, Graham Leggett wrote:
>> - mod_policy: "HTTP protocol police"
>> mod_policy is a set of httpd filters that detect and implement a set of HTTP 
>> protocol checks, the idea being you declare a policy for your development 
>> and testing environments, and requests/responses that violate the policy 
>> will either log a warning to the error_log or explicitly fail with a 
>> suitable error message, clearly telling the developer what they have done 
>> wrong, with the expectation that the developer fixes this before the code 
>> sees production.
> Very interesting, sounds generally useful to developers, and rounds out that
> large gap in modules/test/ that we essentially offer very little for 'testing'
> in terms of functional test modules.

To clarify, I'm +1 for directly incorporating this into 

I don't think we need an independent subproject for this particular module, it
seems rather straightforward.  Default to build-but-don't-load.  Provide an 
config under docs/conf/extra/httpd-policy.conf


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